Dymo Labelwriter Duo Driver Model 93493
Dymo Labelwriter Duo Driver Model 93493

Dymo Labelwriter Duo Driver Model 93493

PLEASE NOTE: THIS PRINTER (S0838920) SUPPORTS THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: FRENCH / GERMAN / ENGLISH / DUTCH (THERE IS NO UK POWERPLUG IN THE BOX).Print paper labels and permanent DYMO® D1 plastic labels in a variety of colors and sizes For over 60 years, DYMO ® label makers and labels have helped organise homes, offices, toolboxes, craft kits and more.DYMO® D1 plastic labels are long-lasting, durable and ideal for labeling hard goods like computers, PDAs, phones, file cabinets, printers and more!.

Dymo Labelwriter Duo Driver Model 93493

Dymo has great driver support, check out their website before using direct links below. Label, mail, and file smarter with proprietary DYMO Label™ v.Basic Specs: Unit Dimensions: (H x W x L) 178 x 187 x 134 mm Weight: 1.

Dymo Labelwriter Duo Driver Model 93493